What’s so cool about water workouts? Many traditional core exercises require repetitive motions, where gravity is consistently making your job more difficult. However, working your core muscles in a body of water makes a lot of sense: the buoyant quality of water means little to no stress on your joints, ligaments and back.
Exercise Tracks

Try Chi Walking To Help to Strengthen Your Core
Chi walking can strengthen your core, boost your endurance and improve your fitness levels. It's easier on your body than traditional walking, and involves multiple muscle … [Read More...]

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding FAQs
While its global popularity as a sport started over a decade ago, stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) is not really new. Many historians point to the Hawaiian surfing community of … [Read More...]

4 Ways To Prevent Walking Injuries
Walking is one of the safest exercises around and has a very low injury risk. However, even with walking, injuries are possible and if you fail to take certain precautions, … [Read More...]
Workout Equipment

Use a BOSU Ball to Strengthen Your Core Muscles
At first glance, a BOSU ball doesn't look at a piece of exercise equipment. However, it is an … [Read More...]

FitDesk v2.0 Desk Exercise Bike with Massage Bar Review
As busy and hectic as life can get, fitting in time to exercise can become quite a challenge. But … [Read More...]
Healthy Living Tips

Top 4 Reasons To Strengthen Your Core Muscles
Many people don’t realize how often their core muscles come into play in their daily life. … [Read More...]

How To Turn “Exercising” Into A Habit
Before we discuss how you can turn exercising into a habit, we have to first define a "habit." … [Read More...]