Fitness Walking With A Twist . . .
When it comes to getting fit, it can be a challenge for a lot of us to get started. After all, it’s easy to be intimidated by the equipment and even the people in gyms and fitness facilities. Well, you may want to consider “walking for exercise” as an alternative.
Sound too boring? Here’s a NEWS FLASH: If you want to get some exercise and have some fun in the process, why not skip the gym and head towards your local mall?
What Does the Mall Have To Do With Getting Fit?

Have you ever arrived to your local mall just as it was opening and saw a few people clad in walking sneakers and moving at a good clip? You got it! They were no doubt mall walkers. These folks may even be members of a “mall walking” club.
If you’re looking to be more active, or just want a new and different place to work out, mall walking is a great option to look into. It is safe, convenient, and best of all, fun.
“Walking for Exercise” is Great, BUT . . .
While walking around your neighborhood or at a local park can be great, it can pose some challenges.For example:
- If temperatures are too hot, you could get seriously ill.
- If surfaces are wet, you can slip and hurt yourself.
- You may have to contend with other traffic like bikes and cars.
- If the weather or other factors are bad, you will have to miss your scheduled walk.
Malls provide a safe place for you to go walking without having to deal with the other hassles and dangers.
Join the Club! . . . A Mall Walkers Club, That Is
Mall walking is a great way to connect with friends and meet new people. Check at your local mall to find out if there is a walker’s club set up that you can join. Walking clubs are not only a great way to meet other people, but also to find out about other organizations and groups you might enjoy.
An added benefit: Sometimes stores and malls will offer special incentives to walking club members. Most clubs have special days with free health check-ups and blood pressure checks. Plus, stores will often give discounts or special deals to mall walkers because they know they come to the mall often and would be great repeat customers.
Mall Walking Can Help You Become A Smart-er Shopper
In addition to all the other benefits, “mall walking” is a great way to shop. For example, if you join a club that starts before the mall is open, you don’t get to go into the stores, but you do get to see the latest products and styles through the display windows. This lets you see the latest stuff and keep up with latest trends, but because the stores aren’t open yet, it cuts down on impulse buying. If you want something, you have to come back later to buy it, so you’ll only buy the things you really want. How cool is that?
But No Matter WHERE You Do Your Fitness Walk … You Need One of These To Keep TRACK of Your Progress
Whether you do your walking in the mall, in the park with friends, along the beach or just around the block, having a pedometer or other activity tracker will help you keep tabs on the distance you’re covering, the calories you’re burning and your time.Keeping track of your PROGRESS has never been easier!
“Mall Walking: Fun Getting Fit” © Dee Gallemore, originally appeared on Squidoo in September 2008 and subsequently HubPages. It has been removed from those sites, updated and re-published here (with special permission from the author), as its final home.